​​DCFS Guardian Consent Portal Coming Spring 2025!

The DCFS Guardian Consent Portal is a user-friendly website designed for the electronic submission of consent requests for youth in care. The online portal allows for easier request submission and more efficient consent processing, enhancing the overall care and support for Illinois youth.

Click here to read frequently asked questions and find out more!

Who can submit consent requests?

Requests for consent can be submitted by:
• Medical providers
• DCFS caseworkers
• Child Welfare Contributing Agencies (CWCAs)
• Other designated service providers

Foster parents / caregivers should not be submitting requests but can use the portal to understand the consent request process and what information they may need to provide requestors.

What consent forms can be submitted through the portal?

CFS 415 Consent for Ordinary and outine Medical and Dental Care, CFS 431 Consent of Guardian to Medical/Surgical Treatment, CFS 431-1 Consent of Guardian to Mental Health Treatment, CFS 431-A Consent for Psychotropic Medication Request, CFS 432 Consent for Out of State Travel/Out of Country/ Extended Trips, CFS 600-3 Consent for Release of Information And more!

What are the benefits?

Time Savings: Faster completion with dropdown menus, help text and more efficient processing.
Accessibility/Convenience: No need for printed, faxed or handwritten forms; submit from any device with internet access.
Clear Instructions: Helpful guidance to assist in accurately completing the form, reducing follow-ups needed for additional information.
Accuracy: Reduced risk of errors with automated data validation, required fields and spellcheck.
Confirmation of Receipt: Submission confirmation sent to the requestor with a confirmation number for better tracking.
Increased Security: Enhanced data protection with secure online systems and reduced risk of lost or misplaced documents.  

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​Have you checked out our FAQ? Click here to learn more!
For any additional questions, please contact us at DCFS.ILCGuardianConsentPortalSupport@Illinois.gov